Earn Money - Get A Payday Loan

If you're responsible with your money and know that you're facing less than two weeks of a cash short fall, borrowing $300 today in return for repaying $345 in two weeks may be a good idea. If you're the sort of person who has a continual spending or money management problem, this is the dumbest thing you could possibly do. If you do feel like you have no other choice than to visit one of these establishments, make sure to take along proof of employment, which can be tricky if you're self-employed, but it's still possible -- just bring lots of documentation. Obviously, regardless of your work situation, take along a photo ID like your driver's license. Sure, given the payday lending industry's reputation, it may not feel like the best road you can take. But it's a perfectly legal one. I'm still trying to figure out why payday lending is perceived as such a worse option than plastic, with its universal defaults and variable interest rates that can also, if handled improperly, destroy your credit. 



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