Adviuz- World's Fastest Advertising Platform

Adviuz allows you to earn real money simply by

1. Viewing Latest Schemes, Offers, attractive discounts offered our advertisers.

2. Watching YouTube Videos

3. Chatting with Strangers & making them your Friends

4. Playing Games

You can join and start earning completely free.Not only earning , this site allows you to promote

your Business, Social Pages, Banners & YouTube Videos here to get millions of live audiences in 

just a matter of seconds.


Its absolutely Free as most of the services in big sites are free so you need not to pay anything to earn

Money here.
    1. Click on Earn money Button

    2. Click on Meet our Advertiser or Explore Talent

    3. Click on the Ads Boxes

    4. You have to view advertisement till the validation time to earn money and if you are 
         interested in Ad use Quick Reply button to send message to Advertiser

    5. Your Money will be instantly credited to your Adviuz account

    6. Once you have Rs.5 in your account withdraw it to your local bank.
payment proof

You get paid once you reach the minimum payout. The minimum payout is set at

Rs.5 for the first cash-out

Rs.30 for the second cash-out

Rs.100 for the third cash-out


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